man, i'm tired
So I went and ate dinner at the bar of the corner pug, and now i'm taking down the notes and leaving up this very germane thing I mentioned.
Oh! One of the Three Bull guys now leaves comments on my Courant blog. I feel so validated!
"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time..." -- Kerouac
So I went and ate dinner at the bar of the corner pug, and now i'm taking down the notes and leaving up this very germane thing I mentioned.
Okay, this type of site (Republic of Dogs) is very bloggy to me -- looong posts, very rambling, probably some interesting content, but it's lost in the dense print and dark background. Honestly, would you see this published anywhere else? Not in a newspaper, certainly.
P.S. Saw the article on blogging in the Courant. The reference to the "incestuous relationship" between CTweblogs and you seemed a bit strong, no? Overall, though, interesting article and Coffee Rhetoric got a major plug.
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